Stephan Dudler

As Chief Customer Officer (CCO), Stephan Dudler leads and drives the continued organizational transformation for Customer Success at Open Systems. Stephan and his team reinforce specialized operational excellence and delight our growing customer bases through the legendary Open Systems customer experience.

Stephan is responsible for the Open Systems customer journey – converting customers into raving fans – overseeing Customer Success, Service Delivery, and Professional Services. With an extensive focus on customer happiness, trust, loyalty, and growth, he brings more than 15 years of IT security experience, a proven success record of customer experience, and a profound commitment to operational excellence to the executive leadership level.

In 2008, Stephan joined Open Systems after earning a Master of Science (MSc ETH) degree in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. He also worked for ETH Zurich and SWITCH in the field of ICT and Internet technologies. At Open Systems, he took on various functions, including Security Engineer, Technical Account Manager, and Key Account Manager. In 2013, Stephan became part of the Open Systems management team and in 2016 he joined the Extended Executive Board as VP, Customer Success. In his current role and since 2021, he strengthens the Executive Leadership Team.

Stephan is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and has completed additional management and leadership education at the University of St. Gallen and Harvard Business School in Boston.

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