Abstract digital artwork with a flowing wave-like pattern comprised of small green dots that gradually fade into the white background. The wavy design, reminiscent of an SD-WAN backbone, creates a sense of movement and fluidity.

Was ist Anwendungsleistungs-Management?

Application performance is a crucial metric when designing and measuring the quality of an SD-WAN. Users expect a reliable and fast user interface. Slow performing applications and connections result in reduced user productivity, or worse, customers leaving your service and moving to a competitor. In some cases, performance and reliability are critical. For applications such as online trading, security services, remote healthcare, voice and video conferencing, and emergency response having a slow connection isn’t just a nuisance; it’s a disaster.

Analyzing and Overcoming
Performance Challenges

Server Performance

Sluggish application performance can be attributed to problems at the server layer such as an underpowered CPU, limited memory, slow storage I/O, resource-hungry code, poorly configured virtualization, excessive logging, or too many back-ground processes.

Network Performance

Poor network performance can be caused by limited bandwidth, line saturation, broken routing tables, switch configurations, or poorly implemented cybersecurity.

Laden Sie unser eBook herunter. Dieser neue Ansatz für die Vernetzung umfasst eine Reihe von vollständig integrierten, über die Cloud verwalteten Security-Services, die vor Ort oder in der Cloud mit zentral verwalteter Sicherheit bereitgestellt werden. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie:

  • Verringerung der Komplexität und des betrieblichen Aufwands
  • Benutzerfreundlichkeit / Transparenz für Anwender
  • Mehr Sicherheit durch einen Zero-Trust-Netzwerkzugriff
An image showing a high-tech control room with multiple computer workstations and large screens displaying data. A green text box in the top left reads, "SASE: The Network of the Future Is Here Today." The bottom-left corner features the logo "Open Systems," highlighting them as a leading SASE provider.

Leading vendors, such as Open Systems, provide a complete end-to-end solution. The unified management console includes comprehensive performance monitoring, optimization, and management across the entire network stack, from the core – to cloud – to edge

Open Systems provides one homogeneous view of the entire network, including the traffic loads and patterns for various applications. Embedded Open Systems technology analyses and identifies what type of traffic is passing through the network. It classifies the traffic and associates it with multiple types of applications. It can also be configured to identify unique customer applications that require high levels of performance and priority-routing.

A modern, open office space with a glass-enclosed meeting room in the center. The room has computer workstations and is elevated above the floor, creating a sleek industrial aesthetic with exposed beams and blue ambient lighting.

Ensure User Experience is Maintained

Network performance is continually monitored for various applications to ensure the quality of service requirements are met. In the rare event an application service falls below the pre-configured performance threshold, Open Systems invokes mechanisms to ensure the user experience is maintained. Some of these mechanisms include,

Open Systems removes the tedious configuration and guesswork out of network management. It adds an intelligent and autonomous layer that manages network configuration to ensure QoS levels are met and costs are contained.

Contact our customer advocates to learn how to optimize performance while reducing management complexity and costs.

cloud security management
A bright green abstract background with irregular, geometric shapes resembling a mosaic or stained glass pattern. The shapes vary in size and are outlined slightly darker, creating a visually engaging texture.

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hinter sich

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